7 Effective Strategies to Connect Your Employees to the Brand

7 Effective Strategies to Connect Your Employees to the Brand

You plant a tree and take good care of it by frequently watering and giving necessary fertilizers. Despite taking best steps to get the desired results you are disappointed if the tree stops growing.

In such a situation how would you feel?

You would be heartbroken as all your efforts went in vain and would like to find out what went wrong.

This is exactly what happens when you hire employees, train them and before they could yield productivity they leave.

Most industries today, are facing a “challenge” of high employer turnover ratio. A Job switch is a click away with the power of the Internet. It is ironical, how the corporate management are busy in meeting productivity measures and its employees are busy looking for new job opportunities. Even imaging such a situation indicates the poor management practices. Practices that merely aim at acquiring talent and paying no heed to manage and retain the same. The end result is as simple as a highly disengaged workforce.

A further analysis of this issue reveals that engaging the workforce is not the only challenges at hand. The biggest challenge is to re-build the lost connection between the brand and its employee. Following are a few strategies that can be incorporated to bring the desired change:

1. Road-map to Career:

An employee joins an organization not merely for a job but, for building a great career. It is the equal responsibility of the immediate manager and HR team, to be honest about the career prospects to an employee. Thus, there should be at least two meetings in a year with the reporting manager and HR on the career path.

2. Mandatory connects:

There must be mandatory connects every quarter. These connects can be in form of Town-hall sessions as well. The idea is to bring employees close to all the key players of their processes.

The connects can be led by different management players like the manager, assistant manager, and team leads. They act as a ground to discuss the overall functioning of the process and the challenges faced.

3. MBA / Courses with the company:

The company can offer an opportunity to learn and work.

A variety of relevant courses can be offered to employees who complete certain tenure in the company. It boosts the morale of the employees as well as their skills.

4. Employee Engagement:

There must be a proper strategy for identifying the significant events in a year that must have Employee Engagement activities. The aim should be to promote collective participation by exploring the unconventional ways to engage employees.

5. Company outings:

All work no play makes a very dull corporate life. Thus, the management should plan out company outings. Such outings usually prove to be the melting points which bring employees close to each other.

6. Feedback:

Driving a proper feedback system that caters to employee needs and helps yield unbiased results is a must today.

It should not be merely a day’s exercise in a year rather should be practiced at least 3-4 times a year at different levels.

7. Training of managers:

The Managers must also undergo a training periodically based on guidelines to behave with their subordinates. A system designed by the HR team must closely monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of such training.

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