Tips for getting hired after career break

Tips for getting hired after career break

Anjali Somnath is a, software developer quit her job in 2007 after her second child. she worked for 7 years since she passed out her B.Tech. It was a hard decision to make as she was enjoying hre career but family is the priority for few years. She is now ready to get back to work in 2018 and want to balance her professional and personal life.

But, when Anjali started preparing her resume then comes the question about how to look for job and how the resume should be designed, what should be mentioned about the career gap etc.

If you are someone who is into similar situation where you have a career break irrespective of male or female for any reason and in the process of returning to corporate world then below are the tips unfolded

Reason for your break

Honesty is the best policy. This might sound like an old saying but still it is true today and applied in this dynamic world. Let’s accept a fact that we are all humans and we have a different spikes of life.

We need to believe that taking a career break for family reason or to pursue our passion or because of personal issues or even because we need a break to revive in life – these are not sin and are choices we make for better tomorrow. But the art of communicating it both in the CV and also during the discussion is the key here. Mention how this has helped and present the points that can add value from the career perspective

Things done during the break

It is always a good idea to keep yourself updated with what is happening in the corporate world. Spending time productively is one of the key attitudes. Taking up freelancing projects, consultancy projects, studying any course, finishing few certifications, Volunteer work done, teaching yoga, music or any art – these should create a favorable impression and will project sometimes what you are as a person. Communicating this during discussion by supporting how this can help the employer if you are hired into the applied position will be the key aspect.


One of the most important aspects during the career break is to keep in touch with your past colleagues. Either for references or to know what is happening around or to know how to get hired into same company for any available vacancies. Discussing with friends and family who are working and showing your interest and enthusiasm to get back to working environment is very key. Networking using social media channels is the best way today.

Career break Workshops

Many IT companies like Microsoft, Thoughtworks, Capgemini, etc. are opening up and conducting programs and workshops for people who are interested coming back to their career. Especially encourage women who wants to be back after their career break. Enrolling into such companies’ website and keep following their latest feeds will definitely help to apply for roles and getting back to the suitable roles.

Use Social Channels

Being active on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter and updating your profile and letting your network know that you want to be back to corporate world is a key. Following the companies in your industry domain will help to know about current vacancies. Websites like is the place to check current market price for any role that you are applying today.

Confidence on yourself, enthusiasm and following few latest tips will make your way to successful career leaving the break well behind.

Good Luck.

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